DMs Open
DMs Open is a zine about winning remote organizing.
2021: A Year of Resilience in Tech
2021 was a record year for unions in tech.
Tech’s First Strike For A Seat At The Table
A Deep Dive Into The NYT Tech Guild Walkout
Announcing the Collective Action in Tech Fellowship
We’re looking for tech workers, researchers, journalists and content creators who want to tell the stories of collective action in tech in the Global South.
The ABC’s of Google’s New Union
An explainer on non-contract unions, how workers at Alphabet are using this structure to build and maintain power, and why you should too.
2020: A Year of Resistance in Tech
2020 is a record-breaking year for collective action in the tech sector.
Invitation to Contribute: Worker Perspectives
Through experimentation and open-ended dialogue, we want to create a space for us to reflect the tech worker movement’s past and invent its future. Can you help us make that happen?
Tech Workers Versus the Pentagon
How workers at Google scored an impressive victory against US militarism.
What’s next for the tech workers movement?
Through experimentation and open-ended dialogue, we want to create a space for us to reflect on the tech worker movement’s past, and invent its future.
Tech Worker Activism During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The majority of actions are still taking place in-person. We explore what this might mean for the future of organizing.